A Pull Quote from USA Weekend = Me

USA Weekend has a semi-interesting look at technology and kids entitled ‘A New Era in Play’. It mostly looks at the positives and negatives of the new generation of electronic and information overload and its effects on how kids learn. Violence, video games, and consumerism are all touched on but not in a lot of depth. What I liked most is this quote from Lisa Guernsey, author of Into the Minds of Babes: How Screen Time Affects Children:

“the best (electronic toys and games) are those that allow a child the freest range of expression. The worst are those that require a child to follow only narrow, preset patterns, which not only stifles creativity, but also is frustrating.”

It’s about kids but I think it applies perfectly to what I look for and what I have come to despise in games. Fortunately, technology is finally allowing this kind of self expression to take center stage.