The Act Bringing More Comedy to Gaming

So, some ex-Disney animators have teamed up to create this “game” called The Act. The high concept goes something like this:

“The Act is a unique interactive film experience. Using only a simple control knob, players control the personality, emotions, and actions of Edgar, the story’s main character.”

At first glance I pictured a fast-paced, streamlined Sims experience. But wait a sec! Lightning fast reactions, Hollywood-style animation, simple control? That sounds like Dragon’s Lair to me, only instead of swinging a sword or leaping to safety we’re deciding to be nice or mean and consoling a character or demeaning them.

Between this, the return of Sam and Max, and iBase Entertainment’s Sam Suede: Undercover Exposure this could be a banner year for games that don’t require you to blow stuff up while searching for colored keys. A year where tech catchphrases are replaced by concepts people actually understand like comedy, romance, and humor.