EPICWIN App Rewards You for doing real stuff

No matter how familiar you are with the concept of ‘Getting Things Done’ — the philosophy of accomplishing goals for tech world hipsters and career procrastinators alike Β — the makers of EPICWIN are hoping to simultaneously win you over with virtual rewards while helping you tick tasks off your to-do list. Whether you’re in it for loot and experience or to finally motivate yourself to make some changes in life, victory with this app is an all around EPICWIN!

Like any to-do list app you break down your lofty goals (or bothersome chores) into steps and then click them off as you finish. EPICWIN takes those accomplishments, no matter how small, and turns them into level-boosting quests and even rewards you with loot and stats in a faux role-playing world. Of course, my problem is that all we have is the iPad and I’d have to remember everything I did all day until I could get home to tick it off unless they make a BlackBerry app which, let’s be honest, isn’t at all likely.

Love the idea, though, and that Treeman in the video is my new best friend. Hope I can put this to use one of these days!

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