Sims Online is back…for free!

I have always played The Sims.  The first pc I had custom made I said “I need it to play The Sims” back when the game first came out.  When The Sims Online came out in 2002, I played the beta and then I played for several months with the paid subscription.  After a while it seemed there weren’t enough people who stayed when they began charging for it, so I lost interest and left.  Well they started it up again for free and I started last Saturday.  My friend who also played it with me is back too.  Lots of people are back from before, it’s pretty cool…and it’s free again!

For me online gaming hasn’t clicked other than Sims Online.  I played Hero Online for a while and I think I only talked to one person the whole time.  I’m not a social online gamer, except in Sims Online.  It seems like the crowd there is older and more like me than any other online game.  There are lots of people from outside the USA, which I like too.   Gren already feels like he’s lost me to it.  Yesterday and today I can’t wait until I get home to play.  I’m not used to this feeling, but I remember it from when I played it years ago.

The graphics are the same as Sims 1 & the last time Sims Online was around.  Most games/money making objects are the same.  The only things I’ve noticed so far that are different are a little custom content as far as decorative items & furniture.  You can buy simoleons now (sim money, § symbol) using an ATM machine from a store lot.  Yes, I bought some already. I got §9000+ for $10 USD through paypal.  It’s a big difference from buying them on ebay and arranging to meet another sim to exchange the simoleons in-game like I did years ago.   The payout rate from money making items had dropped by half from last Saturday morning to that evening and hasn’t gone back up.  I wonder if they did that so people like me would pay real money for simoleons?  If so, I guess it worked.

My friend who played S.O. with me back then jumped back in with me when I told her it was back.  We bought our own lot last night and started building a house.  We haven’t set a lot category yet and I wonder if that is why there are very few items in buy mode to choose from.  I went to a store lot this morning before work to buy a shower.  It was  §600, on sale with 20% wear, so I guess I need to build up my mechanical skill next for when the shower breaks.

If you are playing Sims Online in Test Center 3, let me know so I can we can exchange player names. I have a feeling gameluv readers are a little above that game though!  lol