Packrat Pay Off!

I’m somewhat of a packrat. I hang onto all kinds of free junk like flyers, postcards, stickers, and temporary tattoos from pretty much any game. Long ago (2+ years) I came upon this card in a copy of Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow. At the time Ubisoft was running a contest where random copies of the game came packed with free Xbox Live memberships. I happened to find one with this 12 Month Subscription card but since my Xbox was under-the-radar (read: modded) I had no use for it.

Zip up to present day and a nearly-expired free month of Xbox Live that came with my 360. In desperation we scratched off the foil covering, punched in the code, and behold, free Xbox Live Gold membership until September 2007! See Shang Xiang, it pays to be a packrat.