Xbox One Media Remote coming in March?


Praise thee the black and green gods of Microsoft marketing for this one! I’ve been trying to love using the SmartGlass app on my phone as a surrogate remote control for the Xbox One but it’s just not right. I need buttons to push on a dedicated, low-power slab of plastic, not a tactile-less touch screen that shuts itself off every two minutes. And forget yelling at the Kinect; every time I unpause I miss the next few lines of dialog as I have to tell the thing to “Stop. Listening.” to get its screen-hogging display to fade out.

That’s why I’m super happy to see this oopsy-daisy slip on Amazon Canada that promises a slender new Xbox One Media Remote coming March 4th at roughly $23 U.S. I have long endorsed wireless remote controls on every console that’s offered them and will promptly pick this one up too whenever it’s released.

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