Elite Not Worth it; Grunts Self Esteem on the Rise

Because I can’t stand the technical comparisons and side-by-side analysis, here’s Engadget’s conclusion on the Xbox 360 Elite:

“Basically, unless you are seriously eagle-eyed, have a massive friggin screen, or for whatever reason need to use HDMI because you’re all out of component inputs, your investment in the first-gen Xbox 360 is probably safe. Do yourself a favor, just buy that 120GB drive if you need the space, the HDMI really just doesn’t justify replacing your whole console for a new $480 unit.

Then again, if you’re truly “elite” then all the stuff we just said really doesn’t matter, and you’re probably gonna buy this thing anyway. Cheers, enjoy!”

Thank god, my credit card finger was gettin’ mighty itchy there!