• Filed under ยท News / PC

Caustic Graphics Bringing Ray-Traced Graphics in 2010?


Like this, but with gameplay

I haven’t kept up with graphics technology for a while now so this whole ray-tracing thing is still pretty new to me. I seem to remember seeing it a while ago but all you really need to know is that it produces stupid real visuals and takes ages to render… until now next year? Caustic Graphics — founded by former Apple employee James McCombe — promises that by mid-2010 we should see their CausticOne PC card hit the market and potentially bring games that look as good as the above image up to real-time interactive speeds. I’m sure we’ll eventually get to ray-traced gaming but I can’t help getting a PhysX vibe from this early offering. Still, who wouldn’t love to see what Crytek could do with rendering power like this?