A Proposal…

I love custom soundtracks. It was one of the best things about the original Xbox but I just haven’t done much with it on the 360. I began building the ultimate high speed soundtrack but it ended up as just a handful of my old Xbox tracks and never went much further. Having seen the latest of Burnout Paradise I’m feeling like the game may captivate me for months and I’ve gotta get a new soundtrack started.

That’s where all of you come in. I’d like us all to work together to build the greatest custom soundtrack the world has ever known! I’m looking into ways we can upload songs but so far it’s just Box.net’s file sharing and that’s limited to 1gb. Any other suggestions?

I’d love to have a way for everyone to upload a song on the site, fill in why you think it fits, and then be able to listen to it but that’s like, real web programming that I just don’t have the time or skill for. I’m thinkin’ once it’s uploaded I could even pick up a few cheap 1gb flash drives, load up the files and mail them out. The game isn’t due until January so we’ve got plenty of time to pull this off!

Let’s do it or I’ll be left with one mighty uninspired soundtrack.