Every CUBE Magazine GameCube Fascia – An Every Nintendo GameCube Nameplate Addendum
From Issue 9 September 2002 and ending with Issue 25 December 2003, CUBE Magazine printed a page that you could cut out and insert into a openable GameCube nameplate (which they called a Fascia) – it’s the plastic pieces on the right here:

I have collected every single example and they’re all here on one page! Thank you very much to Aquacc for alerting me to where I could find scans and re-igniting my interest in the topic!
The following magazines have been scanned and can be found on Internet Archive: 1-7, 9-11, 16-21, 23-34, 36, 38-43, and 46-52. https://www.outofprintarchive.com/catalogue/Cube.html has scanned issues 1-15, 17, 18, 21, and 22. Additionally, the magazine was released in Australia as Australian CUBE, and all 9 issues are also on the Internet Archive, though none of them have fascias.
- A fascia was included in issues 9, 12, and 16
- Issue 9โs was black, issue 12โs was purple, not sure about 16 cuz they don’t say and I can’t find a photo of one
- In Issue 9 they refer to it both as an inlay panel and a lid inlay
- Issue 9 came with a Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader paper inside
- In issue 10 they call it an inlay replacement disc (I am really enjoying all the various names people came up with for these things)
- Issue 16 came with a Resident Evil Zero paper inside
- In issue 19 they switched the page to being called fascias and the sidebar is now about them too
- In issue 20 they announced they put all previous fascias on their website cube.totalgames.net
I looked into their 2003 website on the Wayback Machine and found nothing : ( forums weren’t any help either. They also mentioned readers making their own sites for printing more, but that’s a tricky thing to research. I was only able to find one: https://web.archive.org/web/20031219112758/http://www.planetnintendo.com
/zelda/downloads_gamecubefascias.shtml Here are all of the images from that site:

- In issue 21 they gave detailed instructions on how to create your own

- In issue 22 they announced that the totalgames.net website no long has the CUBE fascias available after a site refresh, but they aimed to put them back online
- In issue 23 they start capitalizing the word Fascia
- In issue 24 they both capitalize and donโt capitalize it
- In issue 25 they announce the end of the feature
Finally, according to https://zeldauniverse.net/forums/index.php?thread/15681-new-four-swords-gamecube-fascias/, “NGC Magazine (Jan 05 issue) in the UK you receive some “Four Swords” Gamecube covers/fascias”. I found a scan of it online (https://segaretro.org/NGC_Magazine) but I did not see anything in the scan that looked like one. It was probably included in the plastic baggie, though I cannot find a photo of that either, only one of a demo game. In that case, there may well be other magazines who did something similar. If you know of any, please let me know and I’ll update this page!
Magazine Scans
Issue 9 September 2002 page 12 https://archive.org/details/cube-09/page/n11/mode/2up
Images included: Star Wars Rogue Squadron II Rogue Leader (Included inside the fascia in the plastic sleeve), Super Monkey Ball, Super Mario Sunshine, Luigi’s Mansion

Issue 10 October 2002 page 22 https://archive.org/details/cube-10/page/n21/mode/2up
Rareware, Resident Evil, Super Mario Sunshine

Issue 11 November 2002 page 18 https://archive.org/details/cube-11/page/n17/mode/2up
Star Fox Adventures, TimeSplitters 2

Issue 12 December 2002 page 18 https://www.outofprintarchive.com/catalogue/Cube.html – Thank you to Dean from https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/ for pointing me to this website!
Star Fox Adventures, Metroid Prime, Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance, Mario Party 4, The Legend of Zelda (it’s Wind Waker but it seems the logo wasn’t revealed yet so they used a cropped Ocarina of Time logo)

Page 19 had additional commentary and a repeat of the “How to…use your free gift” column

Issue 13 Holiday 2002 page 18 – https://www.outofprintarchive.com/catalogue/Cube.html Thank you to Dean from https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org for pointing me to this website!
Star Wars the Clone Wars, Medal of Honor Frontline, XIII

Issue 14 January 2003 page 18 – Scan provided to me privately by Dean from https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/. We don’t know who scanned it, unfortunately :/
The Legend of Zelda (it’s Wind Waker but it seems the logo wasn’t revealed yet so they used a cropped Ocarina of Time logo. In the magazine they refer to it both by its romanized Japanese name, Tact of Wind, on page 11, and its localized name, The Wind Waker, on page 54), Killer7

Issue 15 February 2003 page 18 – Scan provided to me privately by Dean from https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/. We don’t know who scanned this one either
Killer7, Viewtiful Joe

Issue 16 March 2003 page 18 https://archive.org/details/cube-16/page/n17/mode/2up
Resident Evil Zero (included in the plastic sleeve) Soul Calibur II, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, P.N.03

Issue 17 April 2003 page 18 https://archive.org/details/cube-17/page/n17/mode/2up
Metroid Prime, XGRA, F-Zero GC (Later renamed to F-Zero GX)

Issue 18 May 2003 page 20 https://archive.org/details/cube-uk-18-may-2003/page/2003/mode/2up
Burnout 2 Point of Impact, P.N.03, Viewtiful Joe

Issue 19 June 2003 page 114 https://archive.org/details/cube-19/page/n113/mode/2up
Soul Calibur II, The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker

Issue 20 July 2003 page 116 https://archive.org/details/cube-uk-20-july-2003/page/13/mode/2up
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Mario Kart Double Dash!!, Star Fox (Would later be Star Fox Adventures)

Issue 21 August 2003 page 116 https://archive.org/details/cube-uk-21-august-2003/page/22/mode/2up
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg, Worms 3D

Issue 22 September 2003 page 116 – Scan provided to me privately by Dean from https://www.thevideogamelibrary.org/. We also don’t know who scanned this one
F-Zero GX, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes

Issue 23 October 2003 page 116 https://archive.org/details/cube-uk-23-october-2003/page/n115/mode/2up
Killer7 (They call it Killer 7, as does this Nintendo UK website that’s still up, the Steam page has no space, not sure what’s with the discrepancy),

Issue 24 November 2003 page 116 https://archive.org/details/cube-uk-24-november-2003/page/n115/mode/2up
Soul Calibur II, True Crime Streets of LA

Issue 25 December 2003 page 116 https://archive.org/details/cube-25/page/n115/mode/2up

Assorted images from the internet

If you would like to use my lists for any reason (make a video, add it to a wiki, build on it and make your own list, anything at all), you are free to do so! No need to credit if you donโt want. I would be so happy if you want to be a link to sharing silly gaming knowledge to even more people. All I ask is that if you make anything, please share it with me because I would love to see : ) Please note I donโt own the images anyhow, theyโre all from eBay or Mercari unless otherwise cited
Thanks for witnessing!