This Week on YouTube: Fishing, Dancing, Sims 3-ing

It definitely has been another week on YouTube… and here’s what I posted. Back on Saturday we continued Summer Series with entry number 6: Fishing Resort. The laid back fishing game comes from Sonic creator, Yuji Naka and his team at Prope and is just generally a pleasant little game of angling.

On Tuesday I finally unlocked PRO Difficulty in Virtual Hydlide to find out what new challenge the game would add. Not to give too much away but this video puts an end to my surprisingly long and comprehensive look at Virtual Hydlide. That sure was one helluva game! Why not watch it all again?

With a similar somber tone is Thursday’s upload, a Just Checkin’ of a very cheap copy of dance simulator, Bust a Groove. I swiped it up on eBay but even after a resurfacing at a local shop the disc was too scratched to play. I tried to battle the skipping music, the lag between the emulation, the controller, and my TV… but ultimately I gave up. The game’s been returned and I am once again left with no way to play Bust a Move. Grrr!

Katy’s kept her channel updated this week with more episodes in her Dragon Age 2 adventures, recreating (and recreating) and playing Style Savvy Trendsetters in The Sims 3, Casual Gaming: Jewelleria, and another Style Savvy Trendsetters contest design session.

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