Gaming Invades your Grandma’s favorite Catalog
The Lakeside Collection, purveyors of affordable, flimsy, and questionably functional gifts for “more than a decade”, is one of the last places I expected to see video game anything. Flipping through their latest catalog I first spotted the lounge pants in the top row that feature Guitar Hero and Xbox iconography as well as a hideously cool pair sporting a colorful array of Nintendo imagery. I was all set to post about the pants alone but when I did a search on their site to find an image I happened upon these other painful finds.
We’ve all seen the plastic baseball bat and steering wheel accessories for the Wii but I had no idea someone actually made two sets of plastic instruments that ultimately look more confusing and potentially dangerous to use than simply holding the Wii Remote and pretending. A miniature upright bass that attaches to the Nunchuk? The mind boggles. Also, check out that clamp-on rifle, sure to make upstanding NRA dads happy to pretend kill anything that gets between his Wii Remote and the TV. I doubt it’s any more functional than any other “lightgun” accessory but I have to give it a nod for being the largest and most detailed I’ve seen yet.
Ever seen any video game goods in peculiar outlets or stores? Do tell! Do tell!