Your GameLuv PodShot is Keepin’ it Simple, Stupid in 2010
Our first show of the new year (and for the last 30 days) skips all the dead air and focuses on just one (or maybe two) games we’ve played recently. Katy updates on Dragon Age antics and her rekindled love for rolling things in Katamari Forever. Maxx tells how he came to own New Super Mario Bros. Wii and what it’s like. And I (Shawn) segue from horror gaming horror stories into our failed experience with Dead Space: Extraction on the Wii.
Listen to the show right here in this very site or, as always, head over to ourย Talkshoe page to rate and review the show, subscribe via RSS or iTunes, and check out all of our past episodes! Thanks for listening and letting us know what you think. We hope you like it!