It’s still me talking about Drihoo but on a totally different site!
I have plenty more to post right here on GameLuv about Drihoo soon but I simply couldn’t pass up the plug for this post from Time Extension since I’m in it! I spoke to the new retro site about the game and my translation but the angle that’s probably most interesting to a wider audience is its connection to the Soulsborne games. It’s a revelation that I never would’ve had if I weren’t slogging through the twenty year old game and digging up archives of pre-release material, including some commentary from co-designer and director, KaikΕ Arima.
Arima would move over to FromSoftware shortly after Drihoo’s release where he’d go on to touch just about every Demon, Dark, Bloode, Elden title they’ve made since. I started out thinking Drihoo was just clunky and old but I came to see some tangible connections between what it was doing and what Arima would eventually bring to the Soulsborne games.
If you’d like to read a little more about all of that, Time Extension’s Damien McFerran whipped up a great piece based around my email exchange with him and John Szczepaniak who clued me in to the ability to translate the game in the first place. There’s a lot of serendipity that brought all this together just in time for the game’s 20 year anniversary.