Have I Stopped My Eternal Sonata of RPG Loathing?

You, my dear friends, are present for some serious groundbreaking, earth shattering news. For the first time in nearly ten years… I am excited about… a role-playing game! Dogs and cats living together, I know, I’m just as astonished as you. Having just finished up my first round with the Eternal Sonata demo, I have to say I’m sold 100%. I was even sad to see that there was no content on Xbox Live Marketplace that I could buy. BUY! Not even free stuff, I would pay cold hard Microsoft Points just for a theme!

If this doesn’t drive Xbox 360 sales in Japan, well then dammit, they must have all lost their thumbs! Or eyes! Or common gamer sense! I know the game hasn’t gotten much play here yet so let me lay out the basics.