Promo Man: Paper Mario Sticker Star? No it’s a batch of Donkey Kong stickers from 1982
Potentially gillions of images featuring Mario and his cohorts have been mechanically pressed to sheets of sticky goo over the decades. But no matter how they may glisten or sniff they’ll never top these Donkey Kong stickers from 1982. I only remember the stickers but according to The Gaming Historian they came in packs of Topps Donkey Kong trading cards. The stickers and gum were obviously my favorite part as I don’t remember what a single one of the cards looked like.
I found these about a decade ago in an old childhood sticker album. I gingerly removed them, laminated them at my old job and then decorated a corkboard with them. I’ve since scanned them in at a relatively high resolution and done some clean up. The most noteworthy is the “Let’s Nail Donkey Kong” sticker and not just because of the horrible innuendo. The lower right quarter was ripped and missing but thanks to my moderate skill with Photoshop I recreated it. I couldn’t let a creepy, classic saying like “Let’s Nail Donkey Kong” be ruined by some excited childhood fingers!