All Nintendo Wii U Box ‘U’ Designs
Every U design that came on Wii U console boxes with photos! As far as I’m aware this list is COMPLETE. However, if you know that I have missed any, PLEASE let me know and I will add it!

Incomplete list of sources:
huge thanks to u/Golden_tears on reddit for compiling a huge chunk of these
This is the list I used to figure out what all the box variations were and yes I checked them all, if it’s “missing” here it’s because it has the same design as one of the ones above
Unfortunately I compiled these images awhile ago and didn’t keep track of my sources but I did use google images, youtube unboxing videos, and ebay and yahoo auctions listings in order to find them all. Some of them took forever (read: 15 minutes) to track down!
Also worth noting is that there are some special Wii U boxes in Japan without U logos – Dragon Quest X and Monster Hunter 3G HD were the two I found, but I didn’t check every box in every region so there may be more.

If you would like to use my lists for any reason (make a video, add it to a wiki, build on it and make your own list, anything at all), you are free to do so! No need to credit if you don’t want. I would be so happy if you want to be a link to sharing silly gaming knowledge to even more people. All I ask is that if you make anything, please share it with me because I would love to see 🙂 Please note I don’t own the images anyhow, they’re all from eBay or Mercari unless otherwise cited
Thanks for witnessing!