A Hand and PC Update

I don’t think my hands will ever be strong enough to channel lightning and send brainless clone soldiers flying, but they may be on the up-and-up. I went to an Orthopaedic Consultant yesterday and he believes the return in pain and numbness in my left hand is due to a new problem, not the stuff that’s been bugging me for years.

According to his brief diagnosis my hand isn’t sticking to the restful position it needs to be in when I’m asleep and it’s not letting the nerves (particularly the carpal tunnel area) relax before I force them into action for another day. I believe it too. I’ve developed a subconscious sleeping position that resembles a dead bug; all curled up with limbs rigidly folded in on myself. I don’t know why or how that became comfortable but after visiting this guy a year ago I managed to force myself to at least sleep with my arms outstretched.

Now it’s time for another round of psychological reinforcement and a new hand brace. I struggled through the first night with it on and things feel better already. Still weak and a bit painful but much better. Today, before work, I’m totally going to play a game. This’ll be the first time in almost two weeks that I’ll sit down, intent on playing a game without worrying (too much) about my hands. If that hand brace is helping it’ll definitely have some work to do tonight!

On the Luv posting front, my PC is being horribly loud with this new power supply and I have yet to go find some way to quiet it down. I’m using the laptop right now and every day I consider ditching my PC altogether. If this laptop weren’t rescued from the grave by my tinkering Father, had a better screen, and a bigger hard drive I’d be posting my PC on craigslist right now. Hopefully in another week I’ll be back up to speed. For now I’d like to thank Maxx and Shang Xiang for keeping things going on GameLuv and FoodLuv.